Services for novice and professional breeders.
At Peekskill-Cortlandt Veterinary Hospital, is proud to offer Theriogenology services, which concerns reproduction and obstetrics in animals.
Respected feline and canine breeders seek out board-certified theriogenologists to ensure safe and healthy fertility, pregnancy, and neonatal care in the breeding process. Our own Dr. Sylvia Bedford is certified in Theriogenology and is happy to help with breeding and reproduction issues, testing, and other services including:
- Scheduled and emergency C-sections
- In-house progesterone and brucellosis testing
- Semen collection, freezing, storage, and shipment
- Insemination
- Artificial
- Transcervical
- Surgical
- Vaginal - Infertility evaluations and ovulation timings
- Ultrasound for pregnancy
- Computer automated sperm analyzer
- BAER testing
- OFA testing for hips, elbows, and patellae
We require authorization to freeze, destroy, and change ownership of stored canine sperm. Please fill out the relevant client form and bring it with you to your scheduled appointment:
- Sperm Freezing Packet
- Authorization to Destroy Semen
- Semen Change of Ownership Authorization Form
If you’d like to learn more about the canine reproductive services we offer, call us at (914) 737-2620.